ULPI interfacing hardware.
- class sol_usb.gateware.interface.ulpi.ULPIDataRecord
- class sol_usb.gateware.interface.ulpi.ULPIDirRecord
- class sol_usb.gateware.interface.ulpi.ULPIInterface
Record that represents a standard ULPI interface.
- class sol_usb.gateware.interface.ulpi.ULPIRegisterWindow(*args: Any, src_loc_at: int = 0, **kwargs: Any)
Gateware interface that handles ULPI register reads and writes.
I/O ports:
# ULPI signals: I: ulpi_data_in[8] – input value of the ULPI data lines O: ulpi_data_out[8] – output value of the ULPI data lines O: ulpi_out_en – true iff we’re trying to drive the ULPI data lines
# Controller signals: O: busy – indicates when the register window is busy processing a transaction I: address[6] – the address of the register to work with O: done – strobe that indicates when a register request is complete
I: read_request – strobe that requests a register read O: read_data[8] – data read from the relevant register read
I: write_request – strobe that indicates a register write I: write_data[8] – data to be written during a register write
- class sol_usb.gateware.interface.ulpi.ULPIRxEventDecoder(*args: Any, src_loc_at: int = 0, **kwargs: Any)
Simple piece of gateware that tracks receive events.
I/O port:
I: ulpi_data_in[8] – The current input state of the ULPI data lines. I: ulpi_dir – The ULPI bus-direction signal. I: ulpi_nxt – The ULPI ‘next’ throttle signal. I: register_operation_in_progress
Signal that should be true iff we’re performing a register operation.
O: last_rx_command – The full byte value of the last RxCmd.
O: line_state[2] – The states of the two USB lines. O: rx_active – True when a packet receipt is active. O: rx_error – True when a packet receive error has occurred. O: host_disconnect – True if the host has just disconnected. O: id_digital – Digital value of the ID pin. O: vbus_valid – True iff a valid VBUS voltage is present O: session_end – True iff a session has just ended.
# Strobes indicating signal changes. O: rx_start – True iff an RxEvent has changed the value of RxActive from 0 -> 1. O: rx_stop – True iff an RxEvent has changed the value of RxActive from 1 -> 0.
- class sol_usb.gateware.interface.ulpi.ULPIControlTranslator(*args: Any, src_loc_at: int = 0, **kwargs: Any)
Gateware that translates ULPI control signals to their UTMI equivalents.
- I/O port:
- I: bus_idle – Indicates that the ULPI bus is idle, and thus capable of
performing register writes.
- I: xcvr_select[2] – selects the operating speed of the transciever;
00 = HS, 01 = FS, 10 = LS, 11 = LS on FS bus
I: term_select – enables termination for the given operating mode; see spec I: op_mode – selects the operating mode of the transciever;
00 = normal, 01 = non-driving, 10 = disable bit-stuff/NRZI
I: suspend – places the transceiver into suspend mode; active high
I: id_pullup – when set, places a 100kR pull-up on the ID pin I: dp_pulldown – when set, enables a 15kR pull-down on D+; intended for host mode I: dm_pulldown – when set, enables a 15kR pull-down on D+; intended for host mode
I: chrg_vbus – when set, connects a resistor from VBUS to GND to discharge VBUS I: dischrg_vbus – when set, connects a resistor from VBUS to 3V3 to charge VBUS above SessValid
O: busy – true iff the control translator is actively performing an operation
- add_composite_register(m, address, value, *, reset_value=0)
Adds a ULPI register that’s composed of multiple control signals.
- Parameters:
address – The register number in the ULPI register space.
value – An 8-bit signal composing the bits that should be placed in the given register.
- reset_value
If provided, the given value will be assumed as the reset value of the given register; allowing us to avoid an initial write.
- populate_ulpi_registers(m)
Creates translator objects that map our control signals to ULPI registers.
- class sol_usb.gateware.interface.ulpi.ULPITransmitTranslator(*args: Any, src_loc_at: int = 0, **kwargs: Any)
Accepts UTMI transmit signals, and converts them into ULPI equivalents.
- I/O port:
I: tx_data[8] – The data to be transmitted. I: tx_valid – Driven high to indicate we’re trying to transmit. O: tx_ready – Driven high when a given byte will be accepted on tx_data on the next clock edge.
- I: op_mode[2] – The UTMI operating mode. Used to determine when NOPID commands should be issued;
and when to force transmit errors.
I: bus_idle – Should be asserted when the transmitter is able to control the bus.
O: ulpi_data_out – The data to be driven onto the ULPI transmit lines. O: ulpi_out_req – Asserted when we’re trying to drive the ULPI data lines. I: ulpi_nxt – The NXT signal for the relevant ULPI bus. O: ulpi_stp – The STP signal for the relevant ULPI bus.
O: busy – True iff this module is using the bus.
- class sol_usb.gateware.interface.ulpi.UTMITranslator(*args: Any, src_loc_at: int = 0, **kwargs: Any)
Gateware that translates a ULPI interface into a simpler UTMI one.
I/O port:
- O: busy – signal that’s true iff the ULPI interface is being used
for a register or transmit command
# See the UTMI specification for most signals.
# Data signals: I: tx_data[8] – data to be transmitted; valid when tx_valid is asserted I: tx_valid – set to true when data is to be transmitted; indicates the data_in
byte is valid; de-asserting this line terminates the transmission
- O: tx_ready – indicates the the PHY is ready to accept a new byte of data, and that the
transmitter should move on to the next byte after the given cycle
O: rx_data[8] – data received from the PHY; valid when rx_valid is asserted O: rx_valid – indicates that the data present on rx_data is new and valid data;
goes high for a single ULPI clock cycle to indicate new data is ready
- O: rx_active – indicates that the PHY is actively receiving data from the host; data is
slewed on rx_data by rx_valid
O: rx_error – indicates that an error has occurred in the current transmission
# Extra signals: O: rx_complete – strobe that goes high for one cycle when a packet rx is complete
# Signals for diagnostic use: O: last_rxcmd – The byte content of the last RxCmd.
I: address – The ULPI register address to work with. O: read_data[8] – The contents of the most recently read ULPI command. I: write_data[8] – The data to be written on the next write request. I: manual_read – Strobe that triggers a diagnostic read. I: manual_write – Strobe that triggers a diagnostic write.
- add_extra_register(write_address, write_value, *, default_value=None)
Adds logic to configure an extra ULPI register. Useful for configuring vendor registers.
- Parameters:
write_address – The write address of the target ULPI register.
write_value – The value to be written. If a Signal is provided; the given register will be set post-reset, if necessary; and then dynamically updated each time the signal changes. If an integer constant is provided, this value will be written once upon startup.
default_value – The default value the register is expected to have post-reset; used to determine if the value needs to be updated post-reset. If a Signal is provided for write_value, this must be provided; if an integer is provided for write_value, this is optional.