USB3 control request handler gateware.
Standard, full-gateware control request handlers.
- class sol_usb.gateware.usb.usb3.request.standard.StandardRequestHandler(*args: Any, src_loc_at: int = 0, **kwargs: Any)
Pure-gateware USB3 setup request handler. Implements the standard requests required for enumeration.
- handle_register_write_request(m, new_value_signal, write_strobe, stall_condition=0)
Fills in the current state with a request handler meant to set a register.
- Parameters:
new_value_signal (Signal of any size) – The signal to receive the new value to be applied to the relevant register.
write_strobe (Signal()) – The signal which will be pulsed when new_value_signal contains a update.
stall_condition – If provided, if this condition is true, the request will be STALL’d instead of acknowledged.
- handle_simple_data_request(m, data, *, length=1)
Fills in a given current state with a request that returns a given short piece of data.
For e.g. GET_CONFIGURATION and GET_STATUS requests. The relevant data must fit within a word.
- Parameters:
tx_stream (StreamInterface) – The transmit stream to drive.
data (Torii value, or equivalent, up to 32b) – The data to be transmitted.
valid_mask (Torii value, or equivalent, up to 4b) – The valid mask for the data to be transmitted. Should be 0b0001, 0b0011, 0b0111, or 0b1111.