Contains the gatware module necessary to interpret and generate low-level USB packets.
- class sol_usb.gateware.usb.usb2.packet.HandshakeExchangeInterface(*, is_detector)
Record that carries handshakes detected -or- generated between modules.
- Variables:
ack (Signal()) – When connected to a generator, pulsing this strobe will trigger generating of an ACK. When connected to a detector, this strobe will be pulsed when an ACK is detected from the host.
nak (Signal()) – When connected to a generator, pulsing this strobe will trigger generating of an NAK. When connected to a detector, this strobe will be pulsed when an NAK is detected from the host.
stall (Signal()) – When connected to a generator, pulsing this strobe will trigger generation of a STALL. Unused in a detector, currently.
nyet (Signal()) – When connected to a generator, pulsing this strobe will trigger generation of a NYET. Unused in a detector, currently.
- Parameters:
is_detector (bool) – If true, this will be considered an interface to a detector that identifies handshakes. Otherwise, this will be considered an interface to a generator that accepts handshake requests.
- class sol_usb.gateware.usb.usb2.packet.DataCRCInterface(layout: LayoutFieldT | None = None, *, name: str | None = None, fields=None, src_loc_at: int = 0)
Record providing an interface to a USB CRC-16 generator.
- Variables:
start (Signal(), input to CRC generator) – Strobe that indicates that a new CRC computation should be started.
crc (Signal(), output from CRC generator) – The current CRC-16 value; updated with each sent or received byte.
- class sol_usb.gateware.usb.usb2.packet.TokenDetectorInterface(layout: LayoutFieldT | None = None, *, name: str | None = None, fields=None, src_loc_at: int = 0)
Record providing an interface to a USB token detector.
- Variables:
pid (Signal(4), detector output) – The Packet ID of the most recent token.
address (Signal(7), detector output) – The address associated with the relevant token.
endpoint (Signal(4), detector output) – The endpoint indicated by the most recent token.
new_token (Signal(), detector output) – Strobe asserted for a single cycle when a new token packet has been received.
ready_for_response (Signal(), detector output) – Strobe asserted for a single cycle one inter-packet delay after a token packet is complete. Indicates when the token packet can be responded to.
frame (Signal(11), detector output) – The current USB frame number.
new_frame (Signal(), detector output) – Strobe asserted for a single cycle when a new SOF has been received.
is_in (Signal(), detector output) – High iff the current token is an IN.
is_out (Signal(), detector output) – High iff the current token is an OUT.
is_setup (Signal(), detector output) – High iff the current token is a SETUP.
is_ping (Signal(), detector output) – High iff the current token is a PING.
- class sol_usb.gateware.usb.usb2.packet.InterpacketTimerInterface(layout: LayoutFieldT | None = None, *, name: str | None = None, fields=None, src_loc_at: int = 0)
Record providing an interface to our interpacket timer.
See [USB2.0: 7.1.18] and the USBInterpacketTimer gateware for more information.
- Variables:
start (Signal(), input to timer) – Strobe that indicates when the timer should be started. Usually started at the end of an Rx or Tx event.
tx_allowed (Signal(), output from timer) – Strobe that goes high when it’s safe to transmit after an Rx event.
tx_timeout (Signal(), output from timer) – Strobe that goes high when the transmit-after-receive window has passed.
rx_timeout (Signal(), output from timer) – Strobe that goes high when the receive-after-transmit window has passed.
- attach(*subordinates)
Attaches subordinate interfaces to the given timer interface.
- Parameters:
subordinates ([InterpacketTimerInterface, Signal]) – Each
is provided will be fully connected to a given timer interface. EachSignal
provided will be interpreted as a timer reset, and added to the list of all resets.
- class sol_usb.gateware.usb.usb2.packet.USBTokenDetector(*args: Any, src_loc_at: int = 0, **kwargs: Any)
Gateware that parses token packets and generates relevant events.
- Variables:
interface (TokenDetectorInterface) – The interface that contains token detection events, and information about detected tokens.
speed (Signal(2), input) – Carries a
constant identifying the device’s current operating speed.address (Signal(7), input -or- output) – If :parameter:
is true, this is an input that filters our event detector so it only reports tokens directed at a given address. Iffilter_by_address
is false, this is an output that contains the address of the most recent token.
- Parameters:
utmi (UTMIInterface) – The UTMI bus to observe.
filter_by_address (bool) – If true, this detector will only report events for the address supplied in the address[] field.
- class sol_usb.gateware.usb.usb2.packet.USBHandshakeDetector(*args: Any, src_loc_at: int = 0, **kwargs: Any)
Gateware that detects handshake packets.
- Variables:
detected (HandshakeExchangeInterface) – Strobes that indicate which handshakes we’re detecting.
- Parameters:
utmi ([UTMIInterface, UTMITranslator]) – The UTMI interface to listen on.
- class sol_usb.gateware.usb.usb2.packet.USBDataPacketCRC(*args: Any, src_loc_at: int = 0, **kwargs: Any)
Gateware that computes a running CRC-16.
By default, this module has no connections to the modules that use it.
These are added using
; this module supports an arbitrary number of connection interfaces; seeadd_interface()
for restrictions.- Variables:
rx_data (Signal(8), input) – Receive data input; can be carried directly from a UTMI interface.
rx_valid (Signal(), input) – Receive validity signal; can be carried directly from a UTMI interface.
tx_data (Signal(8), input) – Transmit data input; can be carried directly from a UTMI interface.
tx_valid (Signal(), input) – When high, the tx_data input is used to update the CRC.
- Parameters:
initial_value ([int, Const]) – The initial value of the CRC shift register; the USB default is used if not provided.
- add_interface(interface: DataCRCInterface)
Adds an interface to the CRC generator module.
Each interface can reset the CRC; and can read the current CRC value. No arbitration is performed; it’s assumed that no more than one interface will be computing a running CRC at at time.
- Parameters:
interface (DataCRCInterface) – The interface to be added; accepts control signals from other modules, and brings CRC output to them. This method can be called multiple times to generate multiplpe CRCs.
- class sol_usb.gateware.usb.usb2.packet.USBDataPacketReceiver(*args: Any, src_loc_at: int = 0, **kwargs: Any)
Gateware that converts received USB data packets into a data-stream packets.
It’s important to note that packet payloads are mostly directly carried over from UTMI. Since USB data is received -prior- to its CRC, one cannot know if a packet is valid until after it has been completely received. As a result, this interface will generate data of unknown validity, followed by a strobe on either
. The receiving interface must be prepared to handlecrc_mismatch
by discarding the received data.- Variables:
data_crc (DataCRCInterface) – Connection to the CRC generator.
timer (InterpacketTimerInterface) – Connection to our interpacket timer.
stream (USBOutDataStream, output) – Stream that carries captured packet data.
active_pid (Signal(4), output) – The PID of the data currently being received.
packet_id (Signal(4), output) – The packet ID of the most recently captured PID. Becomes valid simultaneous to a strobe on
.packet_complete (Signal(), output) – Strobe that pulses high when a new packet is delivered with a valid CRC.
crc_mismatch (Signal(), output) – Strobe that pulses high when the given packet has a CRC mismatch; and thus the data received this far should be discarded.
ready_for_response (Signal(), output) – Strobe that indicates that an inter-packet delay has passed since
, and thus we’re now ready to respond with a handshake.
- Parameters:
utmi (UTMIInterface, or equivalent) – The UTMI bus to observe.
max_packet_size (int) – The maximum packet (payload) size to be deserialized, in bytes.
standalone (bool) – Debug value. If True, a submodule CRC generator will be created.
speed (USBSpeed) – USBSpeed signal or constant that specifies our speed in standalone mode.
- class sol_usb.gateware.usb.usb2.packet.USBDataPacketDeserializer(*args: Any, src_loc_at: int = 0, **kwargs: Any)
Gateware that captures USB data packet contents and parallelizes them.
- Variables:
data_crc (DataCRCInterface) – Connection to the CRC generator.
new_packet (Signal(), output) – Strobe that pulses high for a single cycle when a new packet is delivered.
packet_id (Signal(4), output) – The packet ID of the captured PID.
packet (Signal(max_packet_size), output) – Packet data for a the most recently received packet.
length (Signal(range(0, max_packet_length +1)), output) – The length of the packet data presented on the packet[] output.
- Parameters:
utmi (UTMIInterface, or equivalent) – The UTMI bus to observe.
max_packet_size (int) – The maximum packet (payload) size to be deserialized, in bytes.
create_crc_generator (bool) – If True, a submodule CRC generator will be created. Excellent for testing.
- class sol_usb.gateware.usb.usb2.packet.USBDataPacketGenerator(*args: Any, src_loc_at: int = 0, **kwargs: Any)
Module that converts a FIFO-style stream into a USB data packet.
Handles steps such as PID generation and CRC-16 injection.
As a special case, if the stream pulses last (with valid = 1) without pulsing first, we’ll send a zero-length packet.
- Variables:
data_pid (Signal(2), input) – The data packet number to use. The potential PIDS are: 0 = DATA0, 1 = DATA1, 2 = DATA2, 3 = MDATA; the interface is designed so that most endpoints can tie the MSb to zero and then perform PID toggling by toggling the LSb.
crc (DataCRCInterface) – Interface to our data CRC generator.
stream (USBInStreamInterface) – Stream input for the raw data to be transmitted.
tx (UTMITransmitInterface) – UTMI-subset transmit interface
- Parameters:
standalone (bool) – If True, this unit will include its internal CRC generator. Perfect for unit testing or debugging.
- class sol_usb.gateware.usb.usb2.packet.USBHandshakeGenerator(*args: Any, src_loc_at: int = 0, **kwargs: Any)
Module that generates handshake packets, on request.
- issue_ack: Signal(), input
Pulsed to generate an ACK handshake packet.
- issue_nak: Signal(), input
Pulsed to generate a NAK handshake packet.
- issue_stall: Signal(), input
Pulsed to generate a STALL handshake.
- tx: UTMITransmitInterface
Interface to the relevant UTMI interface.
- class sol_usb.gateware.usb.usb2.packet.USBInterpacketTimer(*args: Any, src_loc_at: int = 0, **kwargs: Any)
Module that tracks inter-packet timings, enforcing spec-mandated packet gaps.
Ports other than
are added dynamically via :method:add_interface`.- Variables:
speed (Signal(2), input) – The device’s current operating speed. Should be a USBSpeed enumeration value – 0 for high, 1 for full, 2 for low.
- add_interface(interface: InterpacketTimerInterface)
Adds a connection to a user of this module.
This module performs no multiplexing; it’s assumed only one interface will be active at a time.
- Parameters:
interface (InterpacketTimerInterface) – The InterPacketTimer interface to add to our module.